Key Secrets to Getting EFT Accepted in Institutions

Two key secrets to getting EFT accepted into agencies, organizations, and institutions are:  1) Credibility and 2) Connection.

When we begin to experience the benefits of using EFT, often our next thought is to share it with others. You may even wish to introduce it to agencies, institutions, or organizations that could use it to help others – but how? Since I am a recovering bureaucrat :-) I want to give you some inside scoop on what’s important to them and how they think.

I had the honor of chatting with TapFest host Jondi Whitison to share some of how the “powers that be” think and why Credibility and Connection are so important for success.

I taught EFT to 32 mental health-related professionals in New Zealand. How did that happen? Ruth. Ruth was an experienced, well-respected counselor in the system. She had credibility AND connection. In addition, after she began using EFT in her sessions, Ruth’s administrative reports reported increased consumer satisfaction, and decreased numbers of visits by clients, enabling increased numbers of clients seen and high percentages of clinical goals met.  Now that will make us bureaucrats sit up and take notice!!

How did Ruth find out about EFT? A friend got her interested. So, while you may not be the person who makes it happen in an agency, you may very well be able to impact the person who can.

Until later,


Ann Adams